torsdag 26 augusti 2010

Celebrating 4 Wonderful Years!!

It was on this day, back in 2006 that I married my wonderful husband Dave. It's been a great 4 years that's for sure. We had 2 beautiful children, bought 2 cars, bought a house, Dave graduated, we moved to a new city, went to Hawaii, started 2 businesses and more and more. I'm so grateful to be married to the greatest person I know. I love you Dave!! xoxox

måndag 16 augusti 2010

I'm Going to Throw Up!

Alright calm down. Don't sound the alarms, I haven't gone bulimic or anything like that. I'm doing the apple cider vinegar diet and it's making me want to puke. I've never been a huge vinegar fan in general. I don't like vinegar salad dressings and I hardly ever eat pickles. Taking 2 tablespoons, 3 times a day, is pretty disgusting if you ask me. I put my 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar in a glass, with another glass full of water near by. I quickly swig back the cider vinegar and then promptly chase it down with a glass of water. I swear I almost threw up this morning after taking it. Also, while I was having breakfast, I couldn't stop thinking about how gross it is and almost threw up. Maybe that's how it helps people loose weight haa haa. No but seriously, I can see why they sell apple cider vinegar pills because people like me have a hard time getting it down. Despite the fact that this diet is torture for me I'm going to continue for a month, because I'm putting the DIE in diet! I'll tell you one thing, if this doesn't deliver the results I'm looking for I'll be emailing every single one of those websites. Oh man! How many days of this do I have left?

- Elisabeth

lördag 14 augusti 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar - The Experiment

Back in the 80s and 90s, Apple Cider Vinegar was one of those miracle "cures" that everyone went crazy for. People were washing their hair with it, using it to cure allergies, to lower cholesterol, fight acne, AND LOOSE WEIGHT! I have no idea if it works or not, but a whole whack of website seemed to believe that it does. Even according to Web MD apple cider vinegar helps to regulate blood sugar levels and helps people feel full.

With that being said, I'm going to try it for about 1 month and see what happens. They say you can loose 1-2 pounds a week if you take 2 tablespoons with water before each meal.

Right now I weigh 150 pounds (I hate seeing that number on the scale). Each week (on Saturday) I'll weigh myself and see if the cider vinegar is working or not. On September 14th, I'll let you all know how it went, and if I noticed any side effects.

Wish me luck!
- Elisabeth

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

You've Got to See THIS

The woman who lost 530 pounds!!! Holy crapola she looks amazing now! Watch Oprah today to see the whole story. Talk about THINspiration!! If she can loose 530, I can loose just 30!!

Me Ka Aloha

- Elisabeth

tisdag 10 augusti 2010

You Need Muscle

There are so many diets out there, promising to help the numbers on the scale drop. The thing is, they work! They all work in some way or another. Even the crazy grapefruit diet, where all you eat is grapefruit for 7 days, works. Here's the problem. Besides being next to impossible to stick to, most diets will make you loose water weight and muscle weight. Therefore, you'll just look like a smaller flabbier version of your old self. Sad, but true. Check out this picture of 2 different women. Both are a size 2, but one looks pretty good, where as the other looks AMAZING!What's the difference? Muscle! Instead of worrying about weight, it's a way better idea to worry about you body fat %. The leaner you are, the hotter you'll look, no matter what your weight. Here's a few reasons why having more muscle mass is WAY healthier.

1. The number 1 reason (haa haa at least for me) is that it looks better. We all know it, muscles (not too much) looks HOT!
2. Studies have shown that people with more fat around their abdomen are more likely to suffer from Type 2 Diabetes than those with lesser body fat around the waist

Read more about The Health Benefits From Having Low Body Fat Levels by 24 Hr Fitnessst

Studies have shown that people with more fat around their abdomens are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes
3. Reduced risks of developing certain types of cancer
4. Sleep better at night
5. Lower your blood pressure
6. Toxins are stored in fat cells, so less fat = less toxins
7. Reduced risk of heart problems that may arise due to clogged arteries and veins
8. Helps control your blood sugar levels
9. With added muscle comes some additional power and strength. This will help during normal everyday activities.
10. More energy throughout the day
11. The more muscle your body has, the faster your metabolism is. Essentially this means your body burns more calories to do normal functions. Bottom line...a faster metabolism means a better fat burning ability.

So what I'm trying to say is, dieting is ok if you're trying to kick start your body transformation, but the key to getting in shape is to lower your body fat percentage. I'll leave a post later in how to do this.

Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

Morning walk

I just got back from my 6,5k morning walk and the weather could not be better... unfortunately the exclamationmark key is not working so forgive my lack of enthusiasm ;) I must say I feel very blessed to have the oppertunety to live in such a beautiful place. I have some pictures from my morning walk to show you but it does not do the truth justice.

We have also welcomed the newest and smallest member to our family. Say hi to little Milo. He is a papillon/chihuahua and I am going to train him to walk my 6,5k walk but his short legs needs to get worked up :)