måndag 16 augusti 2010

I'm Going to Throw Up!

Alright calm down. Don't sound the alarms, I haven't gone bulimic or anything like that. I'm doing the apple cider vinegar diet and it's making me want to puke. I've never been a huge vinegar fan in general. I don't like vinegar salad dressings and I hardly ever eat pickles. Taking 2 tablespoons, 3 times a day, is pretty disgusting if you ask me. I put my 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar in a glass, with another glass full of water near by. I quickly swig back the cider vinegar and then promptly chase it down with a glass of water. I swear I almost threw up this morning after taking it. Also, while I was having breakfast, I couldn't stop thinking about how gross it is and almost threw up. Maybe that's how it helps people loose weight haa haa. No but seriously, I can see why they sell apple cider vinegar pills because people like me have a hard time getting it down. Despite the fact that this diet is torture for me I'm going to continue for a month, because I'm putting the DIE in diet! I'll tell you one thing, if this doesn't deliver the results I'm looking for I'll be emailing every single one of those websites. Oh man! How many days of this do I have left?

- Elisabeth

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